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About Us

Healing Flower was founded in 2015 and we finally opened our doors in 2018. Why did this take so long? Because the owners, Dr Jimmy Lopez and Michael Orlando have been in constant pursuit of the purest, highest quality, lab tested Hemp CBD products. The raw ingredients used to formulate our lotions, salves, creams and tinctures are all USDA organic. Due to current federal regulations, the hemp and CBD oil cannot be certified USDA Organic, despite all of the farming procedures and is grown organically with organic practices. The facility in which all our products are made is a food facility approved by the FDA. It has taken 2 years to find the most transparent, cleanest processes and partners.

Dr Jimmy Lopez has been helping serve his patients with chronic disease through only natural means since 2006. In his constant search for the world's best plant-based medicines and anti-inflammatories, he found hemp CBD, and over 2 years developed the Healing Flower Hemp CBD brand. His journey began when he was 3 years old and his younger sister was born with a dysfunctioning heart, which has led her to having 9 open heart surgeries. One of his sister's goals is to have a baby and unfortunately to this date, she has experienced 3 miscarriages. This situation and love for his sister has driven him to find the best products to help her and other people suffering from chronic problems. He knows, believes and has research to prove that HEMP CBD products are incredible aides to support people in their health journey and recovery from chronic disease.

Michael's drive to help his family and his longtime friendship with Dr. Jimmy has made this incredible partnership. The synergy between the two has allowed them to develop the best products for your use. Michael's nieces have been suffering with sleep disorders, attention problems and focus issues. His commitment to helping his family has turned his life around and created a new focus to help other families and kids with the same issues.

The Healing Flower brand is here to support, empower and create long-term relationships with their customers. They view this mission as building a tribe of like minded individuals that will be there to ensure results, educate and build healthy relationships. We look forward to hearing about your success.

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